lundi 26 septembre 2011

Le jour où... You've Got Nail fête ses 2 ans

The day... You've Got Nail has its 2nd anniversary

You've Got Nail (YGN pour les intimes) est un blog que je suis depuis près d'un an maintenant. Je suis fan de la collection de vernis Illamasqua de Jacie, la bloggeuse australienne qui a créé ce blog. On y trouve des swatches (de vernis, mais pas que), pas mal de conseils sur le soin de la peau (surtout avec des marques introuvables en Europe), et surtout, pour le 2 ans du blog, un magnifique concours sponsorisé par... Illamasqua.
Alors foncez sur ce site, remontez les archives et tentez votre chance!

You've Got Nail (YGN in short) is a blog I've been readig for almost a year. I am in love with Jacie's collection of Illamasqua polishes. This Australian blogger swatches polishes, but also skincare products, and many other make-up things. And that is not all: for the 2 year anniversary of her blog, she has a agnificent giveaway (in fact part 4 of the 4 week celebration), sponsored by Illamasqua.
Just click, browse the rich archive of the blog, and good luck for the giveaway!

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